Friday, October 3, 2008

Neighborhood Watch

There was a vehicle break-in last night at one of our neighbor's homes. Since this happened with the vehicle parked right in their driveway, and several people leave their vehicles parked outside, whether on the side of the road or in the driveway, we wanted to make sure you all knew about it and in turn would be vigil regarding your own property and careful in making sure your doors are locked and no valuables are left in the cars especially within view. Please be aware of anyone that you do not know wandering around the area as well.


Debbie said...
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Anonymous said...

Thank you! I always lock mine, but it's a reminder that I need to install a motion light over the garage.

On another subject...being nice here, but the new toy brought into our neighborhood recently is EXTREMELY loud! Makes me dislike snakes and spiders even more.....

Anonymous said...

I think I know what the "loud toy" refers to, but I need help with the snakes and spiders reference...

Anonymous said...

Speaking of loud noises, there is a dog on Boyer Drive who has been doing a lot of nuisance barking lately. I am a dog lover and dog owner, but if you have an outdoors or partially-outdoors dog, you should be aware of your neighbors' appreciation of peace and quiet. A dog barking at in intruder is a great warning system. A dog barking for 20 minutes straight "just because"? Not so great. Especially at 5 a.m.